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Chinese translation for "operator function"


Related Translations:
decrement operator:  减量操作符减量运算子
operator access:  操作员存取
assembler operator:  汇编程序操作符汇编程序算符汇编程序运算符
nabla operator:  倒三角算子
tower operator:  航行调度室调度员
haulage operator:  货物承运公司
head operator:  电话接线班领班
nilpotent operator:  幂零算子
operator field:  算符字段
augmented operator:  扩充算子
Example Sentences:
1.Monotonicity of some operator functions under the order defined by a2
2.A note on cosine operator functions
3.The adjoint of a c - cosine operator function and its subgenerators
4.Composition operators on a space of analytic operator functions are defined . a sufficient condition is obtained to the composition operators with compact and closed range
5.Note that you always list the operators functions first when processing the parse tree , because you need to know what the operator or function you are dealing with is before you know how to handle the arguments
6.In this paper , we discusse the stability of perturtation of m - p inverses of closed operator function and then the stability of least square solution of elliptic partial differential equations of second order with unbounded coefficients
本文讨论了闭算子的m - p广义逆的扰动,并由此讨论首项系数本质无界的二阶散度型椭圆型微分方程的最小范数极小二乘解的稳定性
7.Then , the crew pairing modal based on the multi - agent is built . the agents cooperate with each other to realize the operators function . the design of the modal , including the system flow , system basic constitution and the realization of most agents is introduced
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